Best Online Financial Planning Service

How we picked the companies to evaluate:

NerdWallet reviewed 10 companies that provide online financial planning services, including several robo-advisors that offer clients access to human advisors as a premium upgrade. The companies reviewed are a mix of established firms with the most assets under management and younger companies. Some of these are NerdWallet partners; some are not.

How we chose the winner:

NerdWallet evaluated each provider across the weighted criteria below to determine the winner for online financial planning service:
  • Advisor access and credentials (29.5%).
  • Financial planning capabilities (14.25%).
  • Account management fees (14.25%).
  • Setup or onboarding fees (7%).
  • Portfolio construction (7%).
  • Investment expense ratios (7%).
  • Types of accounts managed (7%).
  • Account minimum (3.5%).
  • Tax strategy (3.5%).
  • Customer support (3.5%).
  • Brokerage options (1.75%).
  • Other account fees (1.75%).

How we verified our data:

NerdWallet writers sent detailed questions to all reviewed companies. NerdWallet writers and editors also confirmed fees, rates, policies and other key features on each company's website.