Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Investment Platform

How we picked the companies to evaluate:

NerdWallet reviewed seven companies that allow investors to participate in the real estate market through private real estate investment trusts (REITs) as well as private market real estate investments, such as individual properties. Some of the providers are NerdWallet partners, but this did not influence our selection of the winner.

How we chose the winner:

NerdWallet evaluated each provider across the weighted criteria below to determine the winner for real estate crowdfunding platform (weightings do not equal 100% because of rounding):
  • Account minimum (21%).
  • Low or no management fee (21%).
  • Investment selection, including diversification and quality of investments offered (21%).
  • Redemption options, including penalties for early redemption (10.5%).
  • Investment transparency, which considers how upfront the platform is about fees, risks, risk mitigation efforts and how investors are paid (10.5%).
  • Website transparency (10.5%).
  • Customer support, including hours of availability (5%).

How we verified our data:

NerdWallet writers sent detailed questions to all reviewed companies. NerdWallet writers and editors also confirmed fees, rates, policies and other key features on each company's website.