Best Bank or Credit Union for Online Experience

How we picked the companies to evaluate:

We took a close look at over 70 financial institutions, including the largest U.S. retail banks, based on assets and internet search traffic; the nation’s largest credit unions, based on assets and membership; and other notable and/or emerging players in the industry, based on competitive checking and savings offerings. We rated them on criteria including annual percentage yields, minimum balances, fees, digital experience and more. Some of the providers are NerdWallet partners, but this did not influence our selection of the winner.

How we chose the winner:

The winning bank or credit union was the one with the top combined score in the Website Quality and App Store Ratings categories, determined by NerdWallet’s writers and editors. (For the Website Quality category, we considered whether users could intuitively find information on opening accounts, rates, fees, ATMs and branches. For App Store Ratings, we checked user ratings on each financial institution's iOS and Android apps.) In case of a tie, banks and credit unions were compared by category in the following order until one institution remained:
  • Checking (monthly fees were 50% of the rating, domestic ATMs 33.3%, interest rate 13.3% and required minimum opening deposit 3.3%).
  • Savings (interest rate was 30% of the rating, monthly fees 25%, distinguishing features, for ex., goal-setting tools, automatic savings programs and alerts 20% and minimum opening deposit 25%; and up to 15% extra credit was given for a sign-up bonus).

How we verified our data:

NerdWallet writers and editors confirmed fees, rates, policies and other key features on each financial institution’s website. If an institution’s website was missing information, we contacted a representative directly for confirmation.