Best Personal Loan for Debt Consolidation
How we picked the companies to evaluate:
How we chose the winner:
- Features that do not negatively impact consumers’ credit scores, including performing soft credit checks to pre-qualify and reporting payments to all three credit bureaus - 25%.
- Features that affect affordability for consumers, including no origination or prepayment fees and lower rates for autopayments - 25%.
- Features that offer consumers flexibility, including options to change payment due dates; multiple loan types, amounts and terms; and refinancing options - 20%.
- Features that enhance the customer experience, including available and convenient customer support, mobile apps and financial education - 15%.
- Transparency of lender rates, terms, fees and common questions - 15%.
The sixth category is unweighted and discretionary. A lender’s score may be lowered if it has faced governmental regulatory action in the past five years, been accused by a reputable source of predatory practices or has a poor online reputation based on consumer complaints.
To determine the award winner, we grouped lenders that offer rates, loan amounts and other features that make sense for debt consolidation. Within that group, the lender with the highest score was the winner.
How we verified our data: