Best Personal Loan for Home Improvement
How we picked the companies to evaluate:
How we chose the winner:
- 25% - Features that do not negatively impact consumers’ credit scores, including performing soft credit checks to pre-qualify and reporting payments to all three credit bureaus.
- 25% - Features that do not impose added costs for consumers, including no origination fees and lower rates for autopayments.
- 20% - Features that cater to consumers’ needs, including flexible payment structures and refinancing options.
- 20% - Available and convenient customer points of contact and support.
- 10% - Transparency of lender rates, terms, fees and common questions.
The sixth category is unweighted and discretionary. A lender’s rating may be lowered one-half star (on a scale of one to five stars) if it has faced governmental regulatory action in the past five years, been accused by a reputable source of predatory practices or has a poor online reputation based on consumer complaints.
To determine the award winner, we grouped lenders that offer rates, loan amounts and other features that make sense for financing a home improvement project. Within that group, the lender with the highest score was the winner.