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Tax filing, now with a flat $50 fee

We know how it goes. You start your taxes because of a great price, only to find that hidden fees make it a whole lot more once completed. With NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax, you pay one fee, regardless of your tax situation. Access is available with a NerdWallet account.

checkmarkTax filing with no hidden upgrades and fees
checkmarkIncludes federal and state

for a NerdWallet account

*Source: IRS 2022 Filing Season Statistics, ending May 20, 2022 found at Not all tax filers are entitled to refunds.

What benefits does NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax offer?

Register for a NerdWallet account to access simple tax filing for a $50 flat fee, powered by Column Tax.

A magnifying glassA magnifying glass

Transparent pricing

Hassle-free tax filing* is $50 for all tax situations — no hidden costs or fees.

Two stacks of cash stacked on top of each otherTwo stacks of cash stacked on top of each other

Maximum refund guaranteed

Get every dollar you deserve* when you file with this tax product, powered by Column Tax.

A timerA timer

Faster filing

File up to 2x faster than traditional options.* Get your refund, and get on with your life.

*guaranteed by Column Tax

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Person typing at a notebook computer

Tax insights from the Nerds

Check out our tax center full of nerdy tips and tools.

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How NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax compares
Basic Needs

Covers simple tax returns.


Report any unemployment compensation you may have received.


Save by deducting your student loan interest and education credits.

Itemized Deductions

Itemize your deductions rather than taking a standard deduction.


Take advantage of homeowner tax benefits on your yearly taxes.


Report earnings from your investments — including stocks, bonds, and more.


Get access to any relevant tax forms for self-employed individuals.

One-on-One Tax Support

Talk directly to a tax support specialist for any tax-related inquiries.

Federal Filing Cost

NerdWallet Taxes Logo

State included

TurboTax: Premium

+ $59 state additional

H&R Block: Premium

+ $37 state additional

TaxAct: Premier

+ $59.99 state additional

TaxSlayer: Premium

+ $39.95 state additional

for a NerdWallet account

* Information on TurboTax®, H&R Block®, TaxAct®, and TaxSlayer® products came from their website on March 1, 2024, and is subject to change. See their website for their full details, including any other exclusions and additional costs. The premium pricing tier for each product is displayed as it provides the closest comparison to NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax.

Frequently asked questions

Tax day is April 15, 2024. If you request a tax extension, the deadline is October 15, 2024.

NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax is a DIY tax software solution covering all tax situations for federal and state filing — all for a flat rate of $50. With no hidden fees, our transparent pricing saves you significantly compared to top competitors in the market.

NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax caters to consumers who don't qualify for free filing. If you have basic taxes and can file for free, take advantage of services like Free File. Our tax product powered by Column Tax is a fantastic option for those with more complex tax filing.

Switching from a different tax software to NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax is stress-free. You'll just need the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) amount from Line 11 of your 2022 Form 1040 to complete the filing process.

Have questions about your filing or need a bit of help? Column Tax offers support from tax experts who can handle any tax-related issue.

Column Tax guarantees that your information is completely secure, compliant with all IRS requirements, and is SOC II certified, using bank-grade encryption.

Taxes can be confusing. We’re here to help. Get up-to-date tax tips, explanations, and advice from the Nerds by exploring our extensive tax content library.

The tax filing services offered through the NerdWallet Taxes powered by Column Tax product are provided by Gamma Labs, Inc. dba Column Tax and not by NerdWallet. For any Column Tax products & services that you choose to interact with, Column Tax is the Electronic Return Originator (ERO) and designated tax filing provider. Use of the Column Tax product is subject to Column Tax’s own Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. You should carefully review these terms before using Column Tax’s services. NerdWallet does not provide, nor does it guarantee or verify, Column Tax’s services.