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Ruth Jackson-Kirby

Ruth Jackson-Kirby

Ruth is a freelance journalist with 15 years of experience writing for national newspapers, magazines and websites. Specialising in savings, investments, pensions and property.

The latest from Ruth

Pension Contributions and the Annual Allowance Explained

Pension contributions are the payments that you, your employer, and the government make into a pension, but there are caps and other considerations to bear in mind.

What is a Salary Sacrifice for Pension?

These schemes allow you to give over part of your salary in order to make more contributions to your pension.

Pension Withdrawals: Limits, Rules and Taking a Pension Early

If you are 55 or over and have a defined contribution pension, you usually can start making pension withdrawals. Sometimes you can do this before age 55, but you may…

What Will Happen to my Pension When I Die?

What happens to your pension when you die depends on the type of pension you have, your age when you die and whether you’ve started taking money from your pension.…

Workplace Pensions Explained

A workplace pension is a pension that is organised by your employer. Your workplace is required by law to offer one.

Pension Advice: Everything you Need to Know

Whether you're approaching retirement or want to understand the funds you’re investing in, you might consider getting some advice about your pension.

Pension Transfers: What are They and How Do They Work?

When you bring all of your pension pots to one provider, that's a pension transfer. Learn what you need to know about the risks.

What is Pension Tax Relief? How Tax Relief on Pension Contributions Works

Pension tax relief is a government top-up to your pension contributions that aims to encourage people to save for their retirement. The amount of tax relief you can claim will…

Auto-Enrolment: Everything you Need to Know

Auto-enrolment is when you are automatically enrolled in your workplace pension scheme (unless you opt out).

What is a SIPP, and How Does a Self-invested Personal Pension Work?

A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) gives you more control over your retirement savings, enabling you to make your own investment decisions. Contributions into a SIPP are eligible for tax relief…

Personal Pensions: What are They and How do They Work?

A personal pension is a private pension that you can set up for yourself, outside any workplace scheme. Open a personal pension plan and your contributions could be boosted by…

PayPal Scams: How to Protect Your Money

Don't get duped by urgent-sounding emails or texts, and learn how to sidestep all the tricks up fraudsters' sleeves.

How to Get Out Of Debt: A Step-By-Step Guide

Worried about how much money you owe? Support is available if you’re finding it increasingly hard to repay your debts. Read on to find out how to get out of…

Debt Management Plans: Here’s What You Need to Know

A debt management plan is an informal agreement between you and your lenders that may help you clear your unsecured debts if you’re unable to pay them. Read on to…

How To Check Your Credit Card Statement

Your credit card statement contains your balance, minimum payment due, the due date, your limit and more.