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You can save £1,952 a year on average by switching your business energy supplier*

Compare Drax Business Energy

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Last updated on 02 March 2023.

Drax FAQ

Who is Drax?

Drax is part of Drax Group and sources most of its electricity from Drax Power station, the biggest renewable energy generator in the UK.

What products does Drax offer?

Drax provides businesses with renewable, responsibly-sourced, sustainable biomass electricity, which produces 86% less carbon than coal-generated energy.

What is biomass energy?

Biomass is organic matter, such as wood or plant materials used for power generation, in industry and as an alternative source of heating. Biomass is used in the same way as coal, but with lower associated carbon emissions.

What business energy plans does Drax offer?

Drax offers “fixed” and “flex” business energy plans. Fixed plans mean customers fix the price of their energy and are not affected by the movement of energy prices. Flex plans mean that as energy prices rise and fall, the cost of their energy units will also rise and fall and you can control when you buy power to manage market fluctuations.

Are there options for small and micro businesses?

Yes. The standard business plan is for businesses which typically use 50,000 kWh a year. Small and micro businesses which use less than 50,000 kWh a year can get a specific quote.

Are there options for larger businesses?

Drax has a dedicated team that will develop tailored energy solutions for businesses with high energy consumption.

Does Drax supply smart meters?

Yes. Businesses who want to get an accurate view of their energy consumption can get a smart meter installed with Drax.

Can Drax supply energy for new businesses?

Yes. When you’re setting up new premises for your business, one of the first things to get sorted is the electricity supply. Drax has a dedicated New Connections team to arrange this and says it takes around five weeks to get a new supply up and running.

How can I switch my business energy supplier to Drax?

Many contracts only allow you to switch at certain times, so before switching your supplier to Drax, check when you can leave without penalties. That way you can benefit from any savings on the new contract without being charged fees for leaving your previous contract early.

Most business energy deals don’t offer a cooling-off period, even if you’ve only agreed the contract over the phone. So make sure you’re clear on the terms and conditions before going ahead with the switch.

Where can I find Drax reviews?

Independent review sites like Trustpilot will have Drax reviews from previous or existing customers.

Services offered by this provider may change over time. Always check Ts&Cs.

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*Love Energy Savings has saved customers on average £1,952 on each switch. This data was collected between 01.01.2023 and 31.12.2023. The average SME electricity bill is £2,400pa (consumption below 50,000kWh).

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