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Compare Yü Business Energy

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Last updated on 17 March 2023.

Yü Business Energy

Yü Energy, a trading name of Kensington Power Limited, supplies electricity, gas, and water to a range of businesses. It was founded in 2014 by Bobby Kalar and aims to provide energy for all businesses, however big or small. Yü Energy claims to offer flexible energy solutions to suit the various needs of different businesses, but also at a competitive rate.

Businesses can choose from a number of electricity plans from Yü Energy. For small businesses, there are fixed energy plans which typically last for 1, 2, or 3 years. These keep the cost of unit rates and standing charges the same for the duration of the contract, something which is available for businesses with a single site or multiple sites. Additionally, Yü Energy has a ‘Freedom Plan’, which is a more flexible option and allows businesses to change suppliers after serving a notice period. Prices can vary so this option is less predictable than the fixed rate option. A pre-payment plan is also available for business which have a pre-payment meter.

Yü Energy also has some electricity plans specifically for larger businesses. For example, they have the ‘Half-Hourly Fix’ which again offers consistent rates for the duration of the plan for businesses with a half-hourly meter. There are some part fixed electricity plans which offer more flexibility whilst keeping fixed rates for the actual energy costs. For example, Yü offer ‘Pass-Through’, ‘Renewable Pass-Through’, and ‘Cost Manager Pass Through’ which all charge a variable rate for certain non-energy services, whilst the energy itself is charged at a fixed rate.

Green electricity is available for all the above fixed and part-fixed energy plans.

Businesses can choose from fixed, pre-payment, and freedom plans for their gas supply too.

Services offered by this provider may change over time. Always check Ts&Cs.

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*Love Energy Savings has saved customers on average £1,952 on each switch. This data was collected between 01.01.2023 and 31.12.2023. The average SME electricity bill is £2,400pa (consumption below 50,000kWh).

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