A Road Map to Investment Strategy: How to Invest at Any Life Stage

Investing is a journey lasting many years, and often there are changes along the way. You might be just starting out, or perhaps you're curious about what to consider next. No matter your financial situation and end goals, there are strategies you can follow to invest for your future.

NerdWallet's top picks

How to Invest Money: Choosing the Best Way To Invest for You

How to Invest Money: Choosing the Best Way To Invest for You

Learning how to invest money might seem scary, but it's easier than you think, and you can start no matter how much you have saved.

Additional resources

Understanding Investment Fees: From Brokerage Fees to Sales Loads: Get to know the most common investment, stock trading and brokerage fees. Learn where to find them and how to lower your investing costs.

Types of Investments: Learn about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, index funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and options.

Investment Strategies for New Investors: Check out the most popular investment strategies for your portfolio.

What Is a Dividend and How Do They Work?: Dividends are one way investors can earn a return from investing in stock.

What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging and When To Use It?: Consider this method to reduce the impact of market volatility.

Is Market Timing Everything, or Does Patience Pay Off?: Trading in and out of the stock market can be hard to get right.

What to Do When the Stock Market Crashes: Figure out how to keep your cool when the market drops.

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